Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Back in the saddle again

Depression is a bitch. A bitch, bitch-itty, bitch-bitch-bitch.

Let's just say that the last few days have been tolerable and pleasant by comparison with those endured earlier, but that I wouldn't wish this kind of crap on my enemies. Well, not chronically, at any rate. It's time to get back into the saddle again with regard to meds and doctors and mood altering substances of the legal, economically viable sort.

I'm actually fine and out of the "Gods, I just want to die and the world to go away and something to be -easy- for a change," stage, but lately I've been languishing in the "I'm making an effort, be happy with what you've got" stage. I don't feel despair, but I do live it constantly.

*sigh* I just found out that all of my files are somehow missing from my computer's shared folder. All of my candidates are gone from the hard drive. Sucks to be me.

More later.

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