Thursday, January 25, 2007

Road to Recovery

It's been a hell of a week, but I'm finally beginning to get back up into the healthy ranges of emotional variance again, instead of stuck down in the depths of despair. It's snowing lightly outside of work, and I've got a late appointment happening tonight at 6pm. Just interviewed someone who had very unreasonable expectations for salaries and parroted back all of my own recent questions to me. Should she stick this out or jump to another career path? Is it just a phase or is this a greater trend?

Had a call with an old manager and a competitor yesterday... in chatting about the industry he told me that my old supervisor has just posted excellent results and returns for January. *shrug* It's not a competition. I'm still recruiting and doing well, so I'm not worried. It's just a further commentary on how different a mindset I've got.

I noticed that one of my favorite shirts is now threadbare and with broken buttons today. Unfortunately the shirt is black so the threadbare part wasn't noticed until I was already here in the office. To cover it over I've put on my indoor fleece which keeps me warm. Even with the office heat on and toasty elsewhere, my desk sits me by a window and I'm constantly chilled here, so it's not unusual for me to wear the fleece.

I want to get HM's materials over to PM for presentation today. I think she'd be a good fit there, and they have an opening, so let's put da lime in da coconut.

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